Falkor was our very own personal ‘luck dragon’. From the moment he wandered into our doors in 2013, he forever changed BBW for the better. Falkor was quite possibly the most well liked and sought after member of our staff and certainly got the most attention on our Instagram. He loved snoozing all day, kitty treats and greeting everyone who stopped in.
Falkor passed away in April 2023. He shall live on forever in our hearts and memories.

Worker-Owner he/him
A truly brilliant mechanic and rider, there are few things on a bike that Brent can’t fix. With 20 years of experience in the industry, Brent’s skills are a major asset at BBW, and a big reason why people keep coming back for world class service.
In his spare time, you can find Brent tending his home garden or off-roading in the West Virginia mountains.

Worker-Owner he/him
Bernardo found his way from Minneapolis to Baltimore to attend Goucher College. His love for cycling surfaced in his teen years when he discovered he could sleep in an extra 30 minutes if he ditched the bus and rode his bike to school instead. Bernardo continues to live car free here in Baltimore and has recently added an e-cargo bike to his collection. In his time here, Bernardo has become one of our dedicated fit specialists, and actually has time to ride his bikes for fun and not just transportation.

Worker-Owner he/him
Keith comes to us with many years of road cycling and commuting experience. He leads rides regularly with the Baltimore Bicycle Works Racing team. Let Keith tell you about the best hills to climb in the county, the quickest way to get downtown, and about local bicycle advocacy. When he’s not working on bikes, Keith is also a skilled carpenter.
Keith almost bought a historical fire station once, but it turned out to be a Craigslist scam!

Worker-Owner she/her
Maya grew up right here in Baltimore, and found her way back and to BBW after college in Western Massachusetts. Maya enjoys bopping around town on her bike, thrift shopping, messing around with hair dye, and swimming in places you’re not really supposed to be swimming.

Worker-Owner he/him
Linus is originally from Towson, and discovered his love of bikes around 2012, joining nighttime party group rides around Baltimore. Trained in stage acting, Linus spent a few years in NYC bopping around the comedy scene before returning to Baltimore in 2018 and starting on a degree in mechanical engineering. You can find him on the disc golf course at Druid Hill, performing stand up around town, or riding his bike either up hills or in stupid long gravel road races.

Worker-Owner they/them
Jonna came to the shop from the world of climate change organizing with a huge love for bikes and almost no bike-fixing know-how. Thus began their meteoric rise, as they climbed through the ranks all the way to the same level as everyone else. When they're not climbing BBW’s corporate ladder (cooperative circle?), they spend their time gardening, tending to their backyard chickens, and whittling oddly shaped vegetables. Jonna also rides with the Baltimore Bicycle Works Racing team, and got their average down to only one crash per race this past cyclocross season.

Apprentice he/they
Daniel is trained as a philosopher, which is about as appropriate a background for fixing bikes as it is for anything else. They've been riding bikes ever since their grandmother bought them the cherry-red Huffy at the department store that their parents weren't sure they were ready for, and they have fond memories of cleaning and re-packing all the bearings on their mountain bike each year with their dad (not terribly useful experience for working on modern bikes). When not at the shop, they can often be found trying to subvert the carceral logic of the education system. Working for a cooperative bike shop lets them simultaneously satisfy their desire to smash capitalism and their desire to have colorful bike parts (hey, we all contain contradictions).